OFPD Receives Nationally Accredited Status

Great News for the OFPD -- on August 30, 2023, the Orland Fire Protection District appeared in front of the Board for the Commission on Fire Accreditation International. The Board consisted of Fire Chiefs, Village/City Managers, County Administrators and representatives from, NFPA, ISO, International Fire Chiefs Association (IFCA) and the International Firefighters Association (IAFF). The Board reviewed our evaluations from the Peer Review that came out to Orland in June, they asked us many questions and then took a vote on us being accredited or not. Not everyone that makes it this far gets accredited. The vote by the Board was unanimous in favor of being Internationally Accredited.
This is no easy feat, we are 1 of only 318 fire departments out of 12 countries to be accredited, and 1 of only 116 that are accredited and ISO1 rated. The benefit is transparency in what we do and how we do it. It is also a road map for our future. We are the only department in our region that is accredited and one of a handful that are an ISO1. Great job by the whole team who worked so hard to get this accomplished!