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Call Management for Advanced Airway

A red apple with a stylized flame and leaf on top, resembling an educational or knowledge symbol.

FEE:  FREE -  Only if you live or work in Cook County 

The Call Management for Advanced Airway class is designed to give pre-hospital personnel the education and confidence they need to effectively and efficiently manage virtually any airway issue they may encounter. This fast paced course takes students from a basic review to video laryngoscopy and SALAD in 8 hours. The Suction Assisted Laryngoscopy and Airway Decontamination (S.A.L.A.D.) simulator utilizes suction to enhance first pass success-laryngoscopy (FPS-L) with a non-anesthetized patient in active emesis. Students will receive short lectures followed by hands on practical's throughout the class. All levels of EMS provider will benefit from this class. If you are experienced or new to EMS, this course will take you to the next level and then some. Hands on practical's with airway trainers, SIM and SALAD manikins allow students to practice with realistic scenarios. As a result, most students average at least 30 intubations per class.

If you have questions regarding classes or need to cancel your registration, please email:


Advanced Airway ManagementWednesday2/19/258:30am - 5:00pm10728 W. 163rd Pl., Orland Park60467
Advanced Airway Management Wednesday5/14/258:30am - 5:00pm10728 W. 163rd Pl., Orland Park60467
Advanced Airway Management Wednesday11/12/258:30am - 5:00pm10728 W. 163rd Pl., Orland Park60467

In order to register, please CLICK the registration link below and CLICK the Submit button once complete:

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